Wisdom Wednesday: Coming Soon, Part 2

Grace and peace to you, I’m Rev. Joe Cailles, the pastor of Peakland United Methodist Church in Lynchburg Virginia. Today is Wednesday, April 10, 2024. I’m here in the church office, where the Parkland church staff answer the phones, have our staff meetings, pray for each other and pray the people of Peakland. We organize our ministries in this space. I spoke last week about some of the upcoming ministries and the great ways Peakland will be living out our vision of Reaching Out and Serving All and Extending God’s Table in the months to come and there’s more! Three things that are coming up soon that I want to share with you. Saturday, April 27 will be Spring Clean Up day Peakland. We gather at 9:00 a.m. here at the church and will work until noon on the church grounds and in the church building and then we will have a BBQ lunch. All hands welcome, children, youth, adults! We have inside jobs and outside jobs. Bring your work gloves, rakes, and wheelbarrows and your can-do attitude. Peakland’s last church directory was 6 years ago. It’s time for an update, one we can do in-house! Two of our folks Rudd and Estelle Holt have been taking church directory photos of members and families on Sundays for a couple of weeks now. If you see them on Sunday morning, smile big! We plan on having both an online version of the Peakland directory and a limited supply of printed copies available for a nominal fee to cover the cost of printing it at the church. In the days to come, Linwood and Kim will be doing a series of videos to explain how we Peakland church members can access the online church directory and update our own profiles. The online directory will only be accessed by Peakland members, so our information will be secure. Peakland’s fantastic deacon Andrew has been in contact with Daily Bread, an organization here in Lynchburg which provides hundreds of hot meals each day, every day to our neighbors. Daily Bread always needs volunteers to package and hand out the food, particularly on Sundays. Peakland is committed to providing volunteers on the fourth Sunday of the month over the next few months. So, Andrew will lead a team of Peakland folks to Daily Bread on Sunday, April 28 to work from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Andrew needs four volunteers to join him each of the Sundays. You must be 16 and older to volunteer, though daily bread will allow younger teens to help too. We’ll have a sign-up sheet available on Sunday morning for Sunday April 28 and for the fourth Sundays in May, June, and July. Next week I’ll share some more about what’s coming up here at Peakland and in our United Methodist denomination. Come worship here at Peakland either in person on Sundays at 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 or join us online for the 11:00 a.m. Sunday worship. All are welcome. If you’d like to know more about life here at Peakland and finding your place here, reach out to me at PeaklandPastor@gmail.com Thanks be to God!

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